Texas Commercial Mortgage Rates for Houston Dallas Austin San Antonio Area.
Call for updated rate 832-607-1113.
Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio are approximately 5.22%. These rates typically apply to loans with terms ranging from five to ten years, often with a 30-year amortization. The final rate is usually determined by a margin over the corresponding U.S. Treasury rate, depending on the lender and loan specifics.
Lenders offering these commercial loans include national and regional banks, insurance companies, and government-backed agencies like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Regional banks, however, might face increased pressure due to recent financial market turbulence, which could affect their lending capacity.
Loan structures also include options for non-recourse loans, generally available for strong borrowers with stable, cash-flowing properties in good condition. It is advisable to contact local mortgage brokers for more specific quotes.
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